Friday, July 18, 2008

Schools & Homework

Every road in this country has got a school. That's great ! Isn't it? Education has reached everywhere. But has it reached in the proper way ? Every school seems to commercially oriented instead of focussing on the overall development of the child.
First of all, I feel that schools should impart education in such a way, that the child doesn't forget it for his lifetime. The teaching methods should be playful, involve the children and improve their thinking capabilities - make them more creative. Here, things taught in the first term are not remembered in the final term. Every lesson is done in such a hurry, the child just learns the answers mechanically. No purpose is achieved nor any knowledge gained - but the lesson is done with. What kind of education system is this ?
Importance should be given to homework - because I feel that the children should try out things on their own - a test of understanding for the things taught at school. But HOMEWORK SHOULD NOT BECOME LIFE.
Now a days, Homework and Tuition have become a way of life. After school hours, playing is essential to refresh the mind. Instead the child slog it out with homework. If every teacher gives a certain amount of homework everyday, just imagine the child's stress of doing everything in one evening. The poor child doesn't even get to see the sunset. WHERE'S THE TIME TO PLAY? ARE WE GOING IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION IN EDUCATING OUR FUTURE GENERATIONS ?